The BCUC's Interim Report on Site C
The BCUC gives few clues as to what it will ultimately conclude with respect to the merits of completing, suspending or terminating Site C. It certainly did not provide any interim assessment of the key question that the BCUC was asked to address – what would be the impact of the different options on ratepayers. Nevertheless, buried in the two hundred plus page report are some very interesting issues that warrant careful consideration in the analysis and conclusions that are ultimately made. It is not clear from the Interim Report whether the failings of the previous government’s energy policy, which forced BC Hydro to buy run of river, wind and other IPP supply BC Hydro didn’t need at prices far in excess of its market value, are fully understood. The problem wasn’t just the high price for this energy; it was its low value. Run of river supply is generated disproportionately during the springtime and other water run-off periods when it is least needed to complement BC Hydro’s own...